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Add, resize and place your design on a mobile device

< 1 min read

Hey there! Thank you for choosing Mock-It! In this video we’re going to show you how to upload, resize and place your design on a mobile device.

So first things first, you can go ahead and delete the sample design included on the mockup. 

Then to add your design come across to and tap on the plus icon in the right sided toolbar. Then choose where your artwork is located and select the design you want to use. I’ve got a design here ready to go so I’m going to select it. Make sure that the artwork is a PNG with a transparent background.

The artwork will be placed onto the mockup automatically. Now you just need to resize it and place it where you want it. To resize, make sure the artwork is selected and you’ll see the resize icon in the bottom right, click that and resize as you wish. Once you’re happy with the placement, you’re done!

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