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You Need This Ebook on Using & Creating Product Images

06 September 2024

You Need This Ebook on Using & Creating Product Images

Jeremy P.

Founder, CEO

Ever wondered how some brands nail their product images while others fall flat?

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I’m excited to introduce something that’s going to change the game for your brand—Mockipedia: The Brand Owner’s Guide to Clothing Mockups.

This isn’t just another ebook.

With 80+ pages of tips, tricks, and guides, it’s your go-to resource for making mockups that don’t just look good but tell your brand’s story. Whether you’re looking to refine your flat lays, enhance your mockups with models and storytelling, or dive into tech and AI mockups, Mockipedia has you covered.

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Why You’ll Love It

  • Learn about flat lay, modeled, storytelling, tech and AI mockups and how you can use them.
  • Case studies on how different brands use their product images and how you can emulate them.
  • Learn how to make your own mockups from scratch using your smart phone
  • See how much money you can save your brand by using top quality mockups

If you’re already using Pixel Sauce, you know the power of a great mockup. Now, take that knowledge to the next level.

Ready to elevate your brand?

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Get 50% off your first month of Mock It!